Attending the meeting, on the Institute's side, there were representatives of leaders and experts of various departments. On the Japanese side, there was Mr. Hiroshi Matsuura, First Secretary of the Japanese Embassy; Mr. Kimura Yoshihisa, Agricultural expert of Japan International Cooperation.
At the meeting, Mr. Do Van Thanh expressed his appreciation for international cooperation in the field of water resources, he would like to strengthen bilateral relations and understanding through exchanging between the two countries. In this meeting, he proposed several cooperation opportunities including: Exchange of professional caches; training and capacity building for Vietnamese staff. In addition, he also appreciated the Japanese Embassy and JICA's support to the Institute of Water Resources Planning in recent years.
Mr. Hiroshi Matsuura and Mr. Kimura Yoshihisa exchanged and shared information related to cooperation opportunities, professional training and retraining courses related to the field of water resources, science and technology. Especially remote sensing. Simultaneously, he also expressed his delight at the positive developments and cooperation between the IWRP and Japan counter-partners.
The Director General of the Institute of Water Resources Planning and the representatives of Japan Embassy in Vietnam, Japan International Cooperation Agencyhighly appreciated the meeting, agreed to strengthen the existing cooperation mechanisms, and enhance the level of bilateral cooperation to meet the development needs from both two countries.