International Cooperation

IWRP became an official partner of SuSanA – Sustainable Sanitation Alliance


IWRP has recently become one of the 290th official partners of SuSanA – Sustainable Sanitation Alliance. 

SuSanA is an open international alliance with members who are dedicated to understanding viable and sustainable sanitation solutions. It links on the ground experiences with an engaged community made up of practitioners, policy makers, researchers, and academics from different levels with the aim of promoting innovation and best practices in policy, programming and implementation.

The overall goal of the SuSanA is to contribute to the achievement of current and future international development goals (SDGs) by promoting a systems approach to sanitation provision taking in consideration all aspects of sustainability.

Being a member of a well-established international network, like SuSanA is a substantial opportunity for IWRP to promote cooperation, learning and sharing knowledge and experience in the fields of natural resources management and sanitation.

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