Science & Technology

Science PhD thesis: Quantifying the distribution of alluvial Mekong Delta: Present and Future.


Mekong Delta (MRD) is sustaining the livelihoods and food security for millions of people in Vietnam and Cambodia. Stream sediment plays a huge role in maintaining high productivity in agriculture and fisheries. However, studies on sediment distribution for the entire delta is very limited, further

In this study, the current status of sediment flow distributions for the entire plain was quantified based on a combination of two approaches: experimental measurements and pseudo 2D mathematical model for the whole plain from Kratie to coast . Forecasts sediment flow for the next 50 years in terms of hydropower development, climate change, rising sea-quantified by means of sensitivity analysis in conjunction with mathematical models. The results showed the distribution in space and time of sediment and nutrients in the sediment around the plain for some typical year flood. In comparing the distribution of silt in the delta to the total amount of sediment in Kratie, around 24% ÷ 34% of the alluvial deposits on the territory of Cambodia, with 1% ÷ 6% of the total amount of sediment deposition in the field Vietnam territory and sediment out to the estuary is about 48% ÷ 60%. In the results of 216 schemes calculate predicted by almost all possibilities that may occur in the future sediment flow of the Mekong Delta in terms of hydropower development, climate change and sea level rise. Hydropower development is the most influential factor, followed by climate change upstream. On average exposure levels, sediment deposition in the field 40% and up to 95% when all hydro is built. The above findings have contributed to the general understanding of the distribution of sediment flow Mekong Delta, especially in terms of the impact of hydropower development upstream Mekong River.