The Ca River Basin Hydraulic Work Plan is to research and propose solutions for hydraulic work development for (i) sustainable exploitation, use, and development of Ca river basin water resources, taking into account the impacts of climate change, sea level rise, upstream development, serving multiple purposes (agricultural production, fisheries, domestic water supply, industry and other socio-economic sectors); (ii) drainage for agriculture, urban areas and industrial zones; (iii) flood prevention and disaster reduction for the river basin; and (iv) improvement of the water environment to meet the requirements of socio-economic development, contributing to water security of the basin by the year 2030 with a vision to 2050.
The mission carried out a field survey of hydraulic works along the Ca river such as Nam Dan sluice, Do Luong barrage, water intake structures in the mainstream, etc. to assess the water intaking capacity, advantages and disadvantages of different proposed methods/solutions. The mission also focused on surveying the potential location for the proposed weir on the Lam River as basis for further calculation and selection of the location and scale of the proposed weir in the Plan.